Get your business professionally filmed and get 6 national quality video clips absolutely FREE
How it works
1. Sign up
Fill out the form below. A representative will be in touch to schedule filming on a day and time that works for you
2. Film
Our crew will film your business in action for 5 hours on your chosen date and time and make you look incredible
3. Deliver
Within 2 weeks you will receive 6 footage clips of your business to use in any of your marketing efforts
We mean it. There is no catch. Simply allow our video crew to film your business in action for 5 hours on a day and time of your choice. Within 2 weeks you will receive your 6 FREE HD video clips (a $2994 value).
Why are we offering this amazing deal? Because we’re national stock footage cinematographers for Getty Images (and also our own independent video production company) and we want to capture businesses in a natural and authentic way for our portfolio.
We film with professional-grade cameras, lighting and film equipment and make the businesses we capture look incredible. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to get FREE national-quality footage of your business in action.
Terms and conditions apply
This promotion also includes the OPTION to make a national quality 30-second "HERO" commercial for your business at a discounted rate of 50% off.
If you're interested, we're offering 50% off post production costs associated with making a national-quality "HERO" TV commercial for your business using ALL of the footage we capture when we film your business. If not, your free footage is still yours to keep.
What is a "HERO" commercial? It's a high level visual representation of your business and that demonstrates what you do and how your products or services actually works so your prospects can picture themselves using it and working with you.
Your 30-second commercial includes:
Professional Filming
Professional Script
Professional Voice Over
Music Licensing
Logo Animation
Sound Design
Broadcast Encoding
Video File for Download
Terms and conditions apply